这是由荷兰Ector Hoogstad Architecten事务所主创设计的位于温州的肯恩大学项目方案,总体规划包含建筑布局及景观设计,含常规的学院建筑及学生宿舍,娱乐等设施。场地位于小山南侧,附近几条小溪流过,它们一起形成项目独特的背景景观。一个宏伟的入口广场定义了学院入口空间。这两旁分布学院最重要的建筑,包括一个碗形的会议设施,一个主导性的管理塔楼,一个带有展厅设施的学习中心。广场上的一个水池定义了一条“学习运河”的“源头”,后面延续着不同学院及系别的建筑。“运河”上的一个弯曲结构定义了学院的公共区,它由学生活动中心等组成。从这里开始一条道路将人们引入山中,沿路点缀一系列的小展馆,它们分布属于不同的系别。北侧是学生村,这是一个花园般的空间,有大小高度不等的建筑,是学生的宿舍建筑。这些宿舍是互相联系的,以促进交流活动。
The plan consist a masterplan for the urban layout and landscape design. Also design proposals for most of the university buildings and student housing and leisure facilities are included. The site is just south of a gentle hillside and has numerous small creeks running across it. These streams, in a newly structured way, form the backbone of the urban design. A “grand entrance piazza” forms the entrance to the campus. It is lined with the most important university buildings, such as a bowl shaped congress facility, an imposing administration tower and a learning center with exposition facilities. A pond on the square marks the beginning of the “learning canal” with the building for the different departments lined up on either side of it. A bend in the canal marks the social heart of the campus, that is being formed by the “student activity center” and the mensa. From here, a path leads into the hills along a series of small pavilions – one for each department. To the north there is “student village”, a garden-like setting with simple buildings of different size and containing student housing. The buildings are connected to stimulate social interaction.
建筑设计:Ector Hoogstad Architecten
合作单位:MAXWAN Architects + Urbanists
建筑地址:中国 浙江 温州