时间:2012-08-31 01:41来源: 作者: 点击:次
这是由荷兰事务所Ector Hoogstad Architecten与上海建筑设计研究院合作参与设计的张江孵化大楼项目竞赛方案。这个八十米高的大楼定义了高新科技园区的中心,它正好处于城市中心及浦东机场之间。设计建立起不同项目元素之间强烈的联系,这些元素包含办公,展示空间,商业,从而激发了不同使用者之间的交流和互动,同时增强了建筑与周围环境的联系。一个智能的建筑表皮系统提供高效的能源利用,同时使建筑美丽易识别。
Together with reknowned Design Institute SIADR from Shanghai, EHA was one of the competitors in an invited competition for an incubator building in the new urban district of Zhangjiang in Shanghai. The 80 meter tall building constitutes the heart of a new hightech campus, almost exactly between the city center and Pudong airport. The design forges a strong connection between different programmes such as offices, exhibition space and retail, and sets out to encourage encouters and interaction among the users of the building, as well as with the city surrounding it. A smart facade design provides a perfect climate through a minimum energy use and makes the building colourful and recognizable.
建筑设计:Ector Hoogstad Architecten
建筑地址:中国 上海